Monday, November 9, 2009

Multicultural Young Adults

Although multicultural audiences typically have racially mixed social circles and younger or second-generation Hispanics and Asians may be highly acculturated into mainstream American culture, Market found significant differences still remaining amongst different racial and ethnic groups. For example, Asian audiences typically have higher incomes and a greater level of sophistication with technology, and are also more likely to be married, while black and Hispanic audiences often have lower incomes. PC ownership levels and frequency of web usage are also typically lower amongst these groups, although these differences also may be driven by differences in education and income level. Meanwhile, Hispanics are also more likely to begin families early and live in multigenerational households. Additional differences emerge by age, with those ages 18-24 having a strong interest in entertainment but limited household income available for shopping online and other expenditures, while those ages 25-34 are likely to be spending on furnishing their first homes and raising their families. Multicultural audiences are also likely to enjoy different types of entertainment, with dedicated music genres, TV channels and movies targeting the various groups. Although hit TV shows like American Idol, “big tent” movies and hit songs will still have broad reach amongst all of the multicultural audience, the overall mix of entertainment enjoyed by individual racial and ethnic groups is likely to vary. Certain groups may also be likely to have different interests and hobbies - for example, young Asian respondents to Mintel’s surveys have evidenced a strong interest in shopping, while young male black respondents are very interested in sports.

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