Thursday, September 9, 2010

Live Chat as a Business Tool

In 2009, Bold Software conducted research aimed at discovering the consumer’s perspective of live chat. That report concluded that live chat was extremely effective during the sales cycle and had a loyalty effect among those that had experienced the technology before. In 2010 another study was made that significantly expands both the scope and depth of the research effort by quadrupling the sample universe, making both demographic filtering and retailer-specific analysis possible. The 2010 edition also added questions related to one of live chat’s most talked about features – proactive chat invitations. Its report concludes that those that have chatted show more frequent shopping behavior – 26% are weekly shoppers versus 21% for the entire universe. Those that have engaged an online retailer in a chat session are bigger spenders as well – only 33% regularly spend less than $50 per transaction vs. 38% for the entire sample and 43% for non-chatters. The greatest amount ever spent in a single transaction is also telling. 53% of chatters have spent more than $500, while 43% of the entire sample and only 34% of non-chatters spent that much. This report doesn’t claim a causal relationship in this finding, only that chatters seem to exhibit different behaviors. In other words, it’s not that engaging in a live chat necessarily causes one to shop more and spend more – it is simply that those who have engaged an online merchant in a live chat interaction tend to be more frequent shoppers and to open their wallets a bit wider. The research shows, in general, that live chat influences purchase intent. But for Computer/Electronics, Hardware/Home Improvement, Office Supplies, and 5 other retailer types, it's even more influential. 77% of respondents who've had a live chat with a retailer reported that their most recent interaction positively influenced their attitude about the merchant. 82% of respondents who shop weekly said the same thing. If you are an online retailer, you may want to adopt the live chat technology to reach out to existing and prospect customers.

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