Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How to Use Publicity to your Advantage

Publicity is like any other form of marketing: You can’t expect immediate results out of the gate. Sure, it can and does happen, but a better approach is to keep it part of a long term marketing plan for the best results. Your plan must include your target market (what motivates them to buy your product or service, what media outlets they engage with to get their information, etc.) a message crafted for both your target market and the media (your message must answer two questions: what’s in it for your target market, and why should the media care) and a proper channel to deliver your message to the media. It is best to establish your short and long-term goals so you don’t chew more than you can swallow.
You may have been marketing for awhile with ok results; might have even tried social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to build relationships, gain visibility and build a client list. Now you and your business may be ready for an infusion of publicity from the mass media to start the sales rolling. Whatever your goals are (and whatever kind of business you have) learning the tools to effectively use the media will make all your marketing efforts much easier.

But before you infuse massive publicity for your business, you need to be prepared to fill out all the orders, that is, you have to be business ready. Imagine you launch a media campaign for your online business and you get 27,000 visitors only to have your website crash under the weight of the avalanche. Or you don’t have your product ready to ship when the order comes in. You get the point.

There are some publicity-getting tricks you can use for your business. If you are launching a product, write press releases that journalists will be interested in. Produce a webinar (a video that is seen on the Internet) explaining how your product works. Contact your local television and radio station and offer to be a guest on a show pertaining to your industry. Send an introductory letter to your contacts on the social media sites.

Don’t forget your website is the best place to showcase all the tricks mentioned above; and if all fails, contact us for help at http://www.jd-anderson.com target= "_blank"

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